Our main motivation is to see people enjoy our cuisine: we want them to feel at home and perceive the warmth and accompaniment we offer them.
Our story began in the AMPA, in our children's school.

Roger promoted the idea of cooking for family gatherings and, from then on, the presence of parents increased.
Then came Chesco, who played the role of kitchen assistant, one more among all of us. Once we met, we decided to set up a restaurant together: Restaurant Avenir.


He is a cooking enthusiast, since he can remember he wanted to be a cook, and when he was fourteen years old he was already working as a kitchen assistant peeling potatoes in a restaurant in Viladrau. Cooking is his way of expressing himself and his emotions.


Gran narrador de histories i ambaixador de l’Avenir us farà passar la millor vetllada possible . El seu tracte amb els clients ,sempre amable, farà que junt amb la cuina del Roger vulgueu tornar aviat. El seu propòsit és transmetre als clients la cuina d’en Roger amb el seu tarannà càlid i afable .

And behind us, we have a team of great professionals who are united by our passion for cooking.